Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thoughts on Running for Local Office

by Hal Snyder

Five of us ran as Democrats in the April 7 election for Palatine Township board: Duncan Swenson for Supervisor, Joe Gump for Highway Commissioner, and Beth Siela Marcin, Jan Wood, and me for Trustee. We were joined by Dexter Stokes, running for Palatine Park District Commissioner - a non-partisan race, but Dexter was a kindred spirit.

None of us was elected. This time. We learned, though, about the democratic process and about ourselves. I asked my fellow candidates to write something about the experience of running for office. Here are some of their responses.

Beth Siela Marcin

I am in awe and thankful for our wonderful, dedicated volunteers. We could not have had the success we did have without them. To our generous donors - thank you.

For me personally, I was really challenged and had to get out of a comfort zone to speak to a group of people I did not know and express my thoughts, ideas, and feelings. I had a great time - working the trains (watching Joe Gump, the professional and natural campaigner, Hal Snyder with his infectious enthusiasm, and Dexter Stokes with his quiet determination); going door to door - reconnecting with my neighbors and meeting new young neighbors; listening to my husband getting excited when talking to his friends about my campaign. It really was a great experience - not one that I ever thought I would have.


Dexter Stokes

This was an experience that I will never forget. All of the candidates of the Democratic party should be applauded, and be proud. We have shown we are a force to be reckoned with. Our time is soon to come if we continue to strive toward the goal.

Joe Gump

The reason that I ran for highway commissioner was to increase transparency, efficiency, and accountability.

It is important that township residents have a choice at election time and that the entrenched incumbents not feel as if they are entitled to their position. They need to earn our support and be accountable to those who pay for the services they are directed to provide. Due to the partisan nature of the election and the composition of the township, I was not particularly optimistic about our chances, nonetheless it was important to run.

I encourage any committed person to run for office. It is hard work, but you will benefit in many ways. It is truly what makes our democracy strong and the local level is where the rubber hits the road and can have the most direct impact on your quality of life.

a few of my impressions - hal

There's always more to do in a campaign than you have time or resources to accomplish.

You find out fast how helpless you are alone. Volunteers make the campaign happen.

It helps to have an experienced coach. We were lucky to have Sue Walton. The Township candidates started as five different people going in five different directions; we became a team working on a single set of goals.

If elected, we would have been the first Democrats on the Palatine Township board in over 150 years.